Thursday, April 7, 2011

Oil Good For Masterbation

Reminder assembly.

I remind the Assembly patra on Saturday April 09th.

Click here to access the initial publication of the summons

This is the text of the citation.

(New date second citation)

Best Regards: As Administrator and the exercise of powers enshrined in the Regulations of the Condominium Act 675 of 2001, in consideration of requests from a number of owners and in consensus with the Board of Directors, is allowed to postpone the convening of GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING OF JOINT OWNERS for the day SATURDAY April 9, 2011 , from 8:00, 12:00 hours in the classroom CASTLE (IF NOT DONE THE ASSEMBLY OF THE CONDOMINIUM PHASE II puts us in the FIRST FLOOR AUDITORIUM) CULTURAL CENTER MEETING AND SANTA TERESITA located at Carrera 18 # 43-52 address the access map are posted on the blog of the Condominium.

The proposed Order of the day is:

1. Quorum Verification - Update Owners Directory.
2. Election of the President - Secretary of the Assembly and ratification of the rules of procedure.
3. Reading and approval of the agenda and rules of assembly.
4. Appointment Review Commission Act of Assembly.
5. Presentation Report of the Board and Manager.
6. 2011-2012 Budget Presentation and approval, together with the administration fee.
7. Election Consejo de Administración 2011-2012.
8.                 Elección Comité de Convivencia 2011-2012.
9.                 Presentación para aprobación propuestas y varios 
10. Signature attendance record.

1. Given the repeal of judicial time, verification of the quorum shall be not later than at 08:10, the time which will decide whether to continue to be present owners who represent a higher percentage 51% of the coefficients of ownership, or second call is made with a quorum present the same day at 08:30 am in the same place of the citation.
2. If you can not attend, please empower the person you wish to, with special powers to propose, decide, vote and to nominate and be nominated. Conditions and forms published in . It is recalled that the representation of legal persons should be ratified with the presentation of the respective certificate of legal representation and delegations the same must be stated in notarial deed, the above to avoid the occurrence of loopholes. In the same vein are reminded Mr. kidnappings of seized properties must submit a copy of the appointment.
3. to date no proposals have been received from owners as to extend the deadline for submitting them until Saturday April 2, which will only be received via email to avoid wasting paper and postage costs.

Remember, the decisions of the assembly affect all owners and not attending to it is no excuse to flout or to ignore, as the Condominium Country Meadow is owned and responsibility.


Annexes: Reports Administration and Council, State of Portfolio.
this citation Annexes are published in


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