Thursday, March 10, 2011

Colorado Temporary License Plate

show that is plagiarized Ecologists in Action report on the survey on the bombing shows Apnal

demonstrate that plagiarized the Ecologists in Action report on the study of the firing Soterranyes

The ecological society publishes graphic evidence showing that the company contracted by the municipality for the development of survey on the bombing Soterranyes plagiarized photos and data from your report. Environmentalists call for the annulment of the study and to seek another location for the polygon. Emma

Bas - 11.03.1910
Ecologists in Action has shown through graphic evidence, the archaeological report commissioned by the City Council Vinaròs in the processing of Soterranyes industrial estate has plagiarized photos of their study on the ethnological heritage of the area. Environmentalists and publicly denounced this issue and were challenged by the UTE Plan-GR-Evren, author of the report. However, since the Ecologists in Action have documented through drawings donated by the council itself, that "the municipal officers and the contractor took the location data of the stands described in the report and changed the dates, to give understand that their field work had been greater. " In addition, as reported, "photos were copied directly, without giving any permission to the authors."

Enrique Luque, spokesman Ecologists in Action, explains that "the legal services of the organization study the matter" and stressed that "all this shows the incompetence with which the City Council is managing the installation Vinaròs the Soterranyes polygon." Moreover, they insist that "the joint venture more than 800,000 euros charged by an incomplete work in a clear case of wastage of public money."

From Ecologists in Action, requesting the annulment of the archaeological report because of the alleged plagiarism, which identify responsibilities and finally to resign the government team in full, for allowing this situation. Luque insists that "the draft macropolígono Soterranyes industrial must be annulled and find somewhere more suitable, given the environmental wealth, ethnological and landscape of the area "and described as" pathetic and crazy "that from the council, environmental industrial park is spoken."


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