"Ecologists in Action has shown, through a powerpoint, which has been the" modus operandi "of the City of Vinaros and / s company / s writer / s of the scientific report Archaeological Heritage (Hereinafter referred to paragraph ethnological heritage, pgs. 39 to 52), in the kidnapping of his report on architectural elpatrimonio of dry-stone houses [located in the area Soterranyes Vinaros Baixas (Castellon. Valencia. Spain )].
On Wednesday March 9, 2011, members of APNAL-Ecologists in Action, after a call for press conference, had, in the city of Vinaros, some evidence of plagiarism has been submitted its report, entitled "Architectural Report I. Dry-stone huts. Soterranyes Baixas area, polygon 43 of Vinaros (Castellon) (downloads: http://www.internatura.org/grupos/apnal.html) by the company / s writer / s of Scientific Heritage Archaeological Report (paragraph ethnological heritage, pages 39 to 52) and was hired by the City of Vinaros to develop the environmental paperwork required in the proposed creation of an industrial macropoligono within the polygon 43 of Vinaros Baixas Soterranyes sector.
During the press conference were some touches on the problematic introductory backup plan soil and industrial zone project. Information is hidden (environmental and heritage) sensitive to the opposition political groups, which allowed irregularly approve (in full municipal year 2008) the initiation of the documents permitting the creation of a municipal land reserve Baixas Soterranyes sector for the development of an industrial, it lied to the Territorial Planning Commission of Castellon in the memory of Special Reserve Plan Soterranyes ground in saying (p. 8-Approval) "there is no landscape values, environmental or cultural protection" in the projected area (area of \u200b\u200b250 hectares), is hidden and downplayed the rich heritage and historic city adopted an attitude negligent towards the protection of Soterranyes ethnological heritage, despite inventory and studied the area through a specific technician (paid with public funds) whose efforts culminated in the publication of a study-year inventory of 2005 that pretended to update the Catalogue of Goods and Buildings of local interest Vinaros (remember that this record yet this disappeared in the city of Vinaros).
plagiarism tests were based on:
-Document, with plans assigned by the City Council of Vinaros that municipal technicians and the contractor, took the data location of the stands described in the report of Ecologists in Action effort to expand its field, changing the dates (October to September) and thus improving their study.
-State that has not been cited Ecologists in Action in the text of the scientific report or in its literature and despite having used their documentation (architectural report I).
-Analyze and document the effects copy, paste and trim of up to nine pictures of Ecologists in Action report. Special emphasis was placed on the low professionalism of offenders, as the rush was stopped numerous indications and materials of the original photos. Look the same frames, shadows, light, brands, people, etc.., All done without permits and not to mention the source or author. Our requests
"The cancellation of the scientific memory of the industrial archaeological survey Soterranyes (Vinaros) September 2010 and run by the company plans, EVREN, GR ASSOCIATES and earrings, as they have plagiarized part debiendose redo memory again to mention all and data sources used.
-The purification of responsibilities within the company as editor of the report and within the City of Vinaros and their technicians.
-The resignation of the current Board of Governors as the greatest responsibility for serious incidents reported and that, moreover, constitute a crime.
-The withdrawal of the proposed creation of a macropoligono Baixas Soterranyes industrial and legal preservation of the whole sector Soterranyes (both Altes Baixa).
-The search for other suitable location to install the future industrial estate and use the planning of road infrastructure more efficiently and partially developed areas (eg Altes sector plans, 400 Ha, which currently is open from 15 December 2008 and Full Council agreement, a record for future municipal development and study next to SEPIVA, and which you should properly consider their viability).
Vinaros, to March 10, 2011
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