The following event was collected and studied by the great French parapsychologist Robert Tocquet, professor at the School of Anthropology and member of the Trustees of the International Metapsíquico Paris. In which the phantom was also imaged twice. The main witness in this case was a lady, who trusted their written notes Robert Tocquet, begging him not to reveal his name, as the events unfolded. Tocquet suggestion of "Madame V" tried to make some bold experiments in a large mansion of the XVII century, Le Prieuré (The Priory), where the events took place. There had indeed lived a community of monks, which was disbanded during the French Revolution, and prior he was tortured and killed. "Madame V" wanted to spend some time resting at the site above, you Prieuré. On July 6, 1955 stayed there with her two children, twenty and thirty years, whose respective names were Jean and Gaston. After four days of being installed there, the ghost of a hooded monk without hands appeared to the lady in his room, which had been in the past the room prior. "Madame V" experience story: That night of July 10, I first saw my room to roam a dark shadow, made up of opaque mist, behind which there seemed to be a light. That shadow, of human form, wearing a long dress, a cloak, and seemed to have his head covered by a hood.
The shadow moved slowly toward me. Affrighted, I sat in bed, his back against the wall and a dry throat. Was freezing but sweating at the same time. I wanted to get up, scream but no sound came out of my mouth: an indescribable terror kept me nailed. The shadow moved to stand before the fire, then knelt and I felt his knees hit the pavement. Bowed three times, with the sleeves together in a gesture of supplication. After spending much time on her knees, bowed again three more times, slowly rose and walked to the door of a small room next to a bedroom. A few seconds later I felt like a falling body ground, inside the small room. The poor lady spent the rest of the night awake, her heart beating wildly. Daylight finally came into the room and the lady got up to go into the garden where the sun shone bright.
few weeks passed and nothing happened. "Madame V", inside, wanted the return of the apparition, because he regretted not having stuck conversation with her. This desire, not raised, soon followed. One afternoon, when he had slept, the room door opened slowly and the specter of old monk came. He brought with him a strong smell of mold, grave. Very frightened, Mrs. saw the emergence cried, his shoulders were shaking as sobs, and three times, banged on the floor with his head. Each time, a strange voice, indescribable, that seemed to come from afar, said: "My God, mercy, have mercy on me, have mercy, my God, forgive me, Jesus."
Then began an extraordinary dialogue between the lady and the appearance: it started to remonstrate with staying in a place that belonged to the religious, then asked a series of prophecies. He said that the earth would explode by the madness of men, Europe, Asia and Africa would not be submerged and emerged over the southern part of America. Then the ghost spoke of a captive who had been left to die in a dungeon, in other interviews with the lady spoke to him an image of the Virgin which was broken and buried in a garden, where, indeed, was found-and said he had been killed by the revolutionaries, who cut off his hands and walled him. Begged to pray for him. The children of "Madame V" ended up realizing that her mother was something wrong: thinner, was pale and showed a great anxiety. Tocquet advised by Mrs finally spoke of the appearance to their children, which so far did not believe him ... until Jean, the youngest, also saw something that upset him for six. Tocquet told them to try to photograph the ghost and, if they were possible, to be touched. Both were held: the ghost was photographed twice by Jean on October 26, 1959, and in late November, the woman ran into the spectral monk in a filling step, and without thinking twice, all her blood , put her hand to her waist, but yes, his eyes closed. Immediately she felt a violent blow on the spot of his own body, and then freezing cold, nearly drowned, while a break up before it and to Jean, who had attended to the scene from the foot of the stairs. Almost immediately the lady's hands were swollen and felt a sharp pain, like burns from the cold. Swelling and minor burns very well lasted a couple of months and had the opportunity to be examined by Robert Tocquet. "The phantom consisted of a sort of ice vapor, slightly viscous. Below there was nothing, no skeleton, which was what I expected to find," said Mrs al parapsychologist.
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