Friday, October 9, 2009

Answers To Ap Biology Lab 9

Visiting Another Soho / Visiting the other Soho / Visiting or outro Soho Soho in visitors l'autre

Cast iron buildings.
As I had mentioned previously, I visited the New Yorker neighborhood which inspired Palermo Soho recently and I’m uploading some photos here. By the way, did you know that SoHo has the greatest collection of cast iron structures in the world? Approximately 250 cast iron buildings stand in New York City and the majority of them are in this neighborhood. Cast iron was initially used as a decorative front over a pre-existing building. And even though it has nothing to do with the architecture of Palermo Viejo, it was the spirit of this artistic area that inspired local artists and independent designers to settle down in Palermo Viejo and transform it into “Palermo Soho”. Some similarities: lofts, refurbished warehouses turned into galleries, small shops with banners and a few years later, the arrival of big brands. You can read more info about NY Soho here .
Artworks by local artists and a street view.
Como mencioné previamente, visité el barrio neoyorquino that inspired Palermo Soho recently and I'm uploading some pictures. And by the way, did you know that SoHo has the most cast-iron buildings in the world? Approximately 250 of these features in New York and most are in Soho. At first it was used as decoration on an existing building. And though it has nothing to do with the style of the architecture of Palermo Soho, was her artistic spirit that inspired independent designers and artists to settle in Palermo Viejo and make it the "Soho". Some similarities: lofts, refurbished warehouses turned into galleries, small shops años después y con banners, la llegada de las big brands. Pueden leer más sobre el Soho North American here.

As I mentioned before, I visited the Manhattan neighborhood that inspired Palermo Soho and here are some pictures. Did you know that New York's Soho has the largest collection of buildings with iron structure of the world? Are close to 250 and the majority remain in Soho. At first, this aesthetic was used as decoration on existing buildings. And even though the architectural style has nothing to do with the Palermo Soho, was the spirit of artistic designers who influenced the neighborhood and artists to settle here in Palermo Viejo and converted it on Soho Porteño. Some similarities: lofts, sheds recycled into art galleries, small stores with banners and a year later, the arrival of big brands. More info on this site .

Famous labels and independent design.
Comme je l'ai
mentionné avant, j'ai visité le quartier Manhattan chi to inspire Palermo Soho et voici Quelques photos. Saviez-vous le that the Soho la plus large collection of structures en fer dans le monde? Environ 250 bâtiments en fer stand at New York et la majorité d'among them are in this neighborhood. Cast iron was initially used as a decorative front over a preexisting building. And even if it has nothing to do with the architecture of Palermo Viejo, it was the spirit of an arts district that has inspired artists and independent artists from Argentina to settle in Palermo Viejo and Palermo convert Soho. Some similarities: lofts, warehouses recycled transformed into galleries, small shops with banners and a few years later, the arrival of big brands. More info on NY Soho.

A store in Soho and Its chandeliers.


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