Tonight, at 9 PM, enjoy Milonga’s exhibitions and free classes at the Plaza Palermo Viejo (Armenia and Costa Rica). It’s organised by the Government of the City. More info here .
Today, Friday, January 30 at 21pm., Plaza Palermo Viejo (Armenia and Costa Rica) will host a milonga outdoor dance projections, exhibitions and open classes. Organised by the City Government. More info here .
* Hoje à noite
, às 21 hours, at Praça Palermo Viejo (Armenia and Costa Rica) will be scenario of exhibições and classrooms free of milonga. O é event organized but Governo da Cidade. Veja mais Detalhes .
* Ce soir, à 9 heures, il aura des classes and shows gratuits et à milonga la Plâce Palermo Viejo (Armenia et Costa Rica). C’est organisé par le Gouvernement de la Ville. Plus .
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