Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Poem Asking For Money For A Bridal Shower
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Small Rowing Boats For Sale
- arrangement to damages VARIOUS , acquisition and retrieval ACPM Intake ( REGISTER A NEW DAMAGE IN N OVEMBER ) " not requested additional fee, as they're working with the administration.
- maintenance tasks condo is being done with government resources. Therefore invited or owners to refrain from giving money to people that may be gaining ADDITIONAL FEES for this purpose. (Because they would be paying twice for work already contracted - DO NOT BE DEFRAUD )
- In council meeting approved a proposal to beautify sidewalks and posts for this year end so I invite owners interested in donating paint color "WHITE MATE" type cover, to make it available on the premises of the condominium.
- home For those who have continued with the recommendation regarding the installation of an alarm system for any general alert.
- Remember that at a meeting of owners of second call on April 10 authorized an increase in management fee as well:
C / PAYMENT | FEE 2010 | DESC 2010 |
House | 132,000.00 | 12,000.00 |
Annex Lot | 59,000.00 | 6000.00 |
Lot | 103,000.00 | 10,000.00 |
at the following address you will find a list of portfolios for the month of DECEMBER 2010.
- On November 1 Mr Alvaro Varela died, his family the deepest condolences of the Council and the Administration of the Condominium.
- sequestration process was initiated to THE BACK auction Lot 107, 109, 09, and CASA 061 pending appraisal of the curator .
has not been summoned to the special meeting given that PRORECREO LTDA has presented no proposal.
Facebook by #! / profile.php? id = 100001373775855
Sunday, November 7, 2010
When Is Red Dragon Island Come Out On Poptropica?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Fillers For Above The Lip Wrinkles
C / PAYMENT SHARE | 2010 | DESC 2010 |
House | 132,000.00 | 12000.00 |
Annex Lot | 59000.00 | 6000.00 |
Lot | 103,000.00 | 10000.00 |
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Snuff Breasts Cut Off
careful, I would submit to you the list of portfolios for the month of October in pdf format, along with the following recommendations.
1) arrangement to damages caused by winter day "Path, internal pathways, acquisition and retrieval ACPM intake (He returned to steal) " not requested additional fee, as they're working with the administration.
2) Last week (last week of September ) between the administrations of the two condos purchased a new pump, a task that was made with government resources. Therefore invited or owners to refrain from giving money to people who may be gaining ADDITIONAL FEES for this purpose. (Because they would be paying twice for work already contracted - DO NOT BE DEFRAUD )
3) For those who are homeless are advised again installing an alarm system for any general alert.
4) Remember that at a meeting of owners of second call on April 10 authorized an increase in management fee as well:
C / PAYMENT | FEE 2010 | DESC 2010 |
House | 132,000.00 | 12,000.00 |
Annex Lot | 59,000.00 | 6000.00 |
| 103,000.00 | 10000.00 |
direction you will find a list of portfolios for the month of October 2010.
The discount only applies to payments of fees made until the day 10 of each month ( PORTFOLIO LIST OF THE MONTH ) .
The additional fee for stay at home for 12,000 and 10,000 lots, remember that this fee is forgiven when you are at peace and safe management the last day of previous month .
at the following address can be found published management bills for the month of October .
Remember that if your site was sent to legal fee you must submit your proposal for payment to the lawyer that advances the process, to avoid misunderstandings. Since the decision of the Assembly of Owners, the Administrator or the Board can not make any remission owners in default and execution process should start who owe more than three management fees.
5) The following properties recorded the novelty of change of ownership in the month of October , for those extending a welcome like this:
a. sequestration process was initiated to cap the lot 63, pending assessment of the curator .
6) has not been summoned to the extraordinary general meeting PRORECREO LTDA view that has not submitted any proposal.
link to view information regarding portfolio PRORECREO case, monthly bills and pictures of winter damage can also be obtained in http://condominiolapradera., which is the address of the Condo Blog.
Monday, August 2, 2010
How To Install Battery On A Pop Up
So attentive, I would refer you the portfolio list August in pdf format, along with the following recommendations.
1) arrangement to damages caused by winter day "Path, internal routes, drop to the river pole, ACPM acquisition and retrieval Intake " not requested additional fee, as they're working with the administration.
2) Last week (last week of July) between the administrations of the two condominiums were recruited corrective maintenance of the power plant of the PRAIRIE CLUB, and repaired the pump that had melted by errors in the operation of the power plant cited above, tasks that were done with government resources. So I invite the owners to refrain from giving money to people who may be gaining ADDITIONAL FEES for this purpose. (Because they would be paying twice for work already contracted - DO NOT BE DEFRAUD )
3) For those who are homeless are advised to install an alarm system for any general alert.
4) Remember that at a meeting of owners of second call on April 10 authorized an increase in management fee as well:
C / PAYMENT | FEE 2010 | DESC 2010 |
House | 132,000.00 | 12000.00 |
Annex Lot | 59000.00 | 6.000,00 |
Lote | 103.000,00 | 10.000,00 |
En la siguiente dirección usted encontrará el listado de cartera del mes de mayo de 2010.
El descuento only applies to payments share made until the day 10 of each month (LIST OF BOOK OF THE MONTH) . pra click here to see the portfolio list of August
The additional fee for stay at home for lots 12,000 to 10,000, remember that this fee is forgiven when you are at peace and safe management the last day of previous month .
at the following address can be found published management bills month of AUGUST. click here to download invoices August 2010 ordered by number of premises.
Remember that if your site was sent to legal fee you must submit your proposal for payment to the attorney advances the process, to avoid misunderstandings. Since the decision of the Assembly of Owners, the Administrator or the Board can not make any remission owners overdue and should begin the process executive who owed more than three management fees.
5) The following properties recorded the novelty of change of ownership in April, for which extends a welcome like this:
a. The house 021. Change of ownership the new owner is Mr. Juan Castellanos.
6) has not been summoned to the extraordinary general meeting PRORECREO LTDA view that has not submitted any proposal.
REPORT TO COUNCIL - under construction. 08/10/2010
Publishing - via email - FACEBOOK
Lords Proprietors.
Condominio Campestre La Pradera
Attentively, I recall that in recent weeks has been taking a serious limitation in the supply of drinking water, because each time the pumps this is wasted through leaks existing in the PRAIRIE CLUB, by what I would invite those who have installed water tanks at home to make it.
Additionally, I would invite them to refrain from giving money to anyone that needs it for water supply, because the governments of the two condos are taking the necessary purchase of diesel for pumping water. But this week it was found that staff PRORECREO Condominium entry "while performing grooming tasks in the channels that are against the G block" and closed some records of houses and suspended payments to that entity, so there were some problems with the supply at the beginning of this week as a measure of control, I would invite them to review their records to avoid disappointment.
Finally, reports that 021 home ownership change and Mr. JUAN CASTELLANOS is doing some remodeling, so they apologized for the rubble at the entrance to the joint ownership.