Friday, September 8, 2006

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The Rural Blog

The advice from a few years ago we were offering Rural Tourism professionals , now as a blog. That if, updated, improved and, above all, rich with the view of the more than 300 people who consult them daily. A
ACLARACIÓNJ IN THE LINK ABOVE ARE THE FULL TIPS, WITH MORE ISSUES THAT HERE TODAY TO THE PUBLIC. Without enbargo on this page are a little more "tweaked". In short, if you are interested in this, be sure to check other sections of Antiqua Natura I have still pending posting here.
If you have something to add or comment on what is stated here but do not have to click on "comments" at the end of each of these chapters and write. If you are not registered identification choose the "anonymous" and copy the letters shown in blue. It's simple.

Thanks for the kind cometary continuously receive in and above all, for your participation.

Blog is yours!

José Miguel. Tips

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Tourism Website and Search: Promotion of Rural Tourism

not going to enter what is the cause of why the Internet is the best channel for advertising a house, it is certain that it is, many deep thinkers argue if it matches the public who use both services (stressed urbanites tired of the computer) because you can update the information or because it is the simplest channel economic and direct user and owner. I can assure you, no doubt, Internet is the channel through which is engaged directly or indirectly more than 80% of rural tourism. Web page in your house is your principal business card so you must not doubt the least. The Web is the first direct print that prospects have of your home. Think about it: the first impression ... "the that counts. "It is imperative to have a home page that contains essential data and images to keep users informed about your potential. And these are attractive. Let us find out different aspects to consider:

SECTIONS: Your Web page, plus a screen with a representative picture of your accommodation and full address, and the means of contact (Tel, Fax, Mobile, e-mail and postal address), must have a series of sections to organize information. In my opinion, should be these:
A. - The home page that I mentioned. If you want to internationalize, as well as content the previous paragraph, here you have to put the choice of languages: French or Portuguese depending on your location on the peninsula and, of course, English, universal language on the Internet. The premium for having the page in different languages \u200b\u200bis not very high and certainly worth it. Each language you add it includes millions of people who can access the information ... A separate issue is the regional languages, it is then care for the local public. We'll talk about it another day.
B. - The Accommodation: Here you describe with text and images all information relating to your home without forgetting any details, number of seats, room descriptions, common services such as lounges, restaurant, pool, appliances ...
C. - The Area / Activities: The host is not going to spend the day confined to his room, the practice of rural tourism involves enjoy activities of all kinds. Thus, this section should explain the activities offered by your own accommodation (horseback riding or biking, sports, hiking ...) and the possibilities offered by the environment (cultural visits, dining, nature ...)
D. - Prices / Booking / Contact: The Internet interested in your house wants to know exactly what it costs to stay and, if the price you are interested you may want to contact for booking. Make it easy things and put all possible media not to mention an e-mail. Do not use forms, too lazy to fill them and you might be surprised that many people will look for another home if they do not have a phone to call.
E. - How to get there: The cottages are usually found in places not frequented is very welcome one or more levels where you see the location of the property at the national level, district and local levels. If you also explain in words how to reach the capital by road from nearby or that you consider most relevant, the better.
F. - Photo Gallery: You should also go illustrating the different sections we have been discussing with great photos, including this section with a good photo story. Give credibility to the advertising you are doing. Hire a photographer and never use the flash. Environmental rooms prior to photography.

SPEED: If the page does not download quickly very few people have the patience to wait for all information. Tell the person that makes your Web, no page should take no more than 6 seconds to download.
The first, the homepage, you should take even less.
A GOOD EXAMPLE: small images can be enlarged and a clear and simple text. A immediate download. Another clear example, fast, concise and elegant:
a bad example: (Delete the link because it has changed as well, I do not like pointing the finger 'errors others ...) A giant image without text apart. It may take up to 90 seconds to load. Mind you, I'm not saying that the page is pretty or ugly, I'm saying is that it is desperately slow to boot, does not provide information to search engines.

DESIGN: uses an attractive design in keeping with the image of your house, but keep it simple, easy to read and use. Use plain backgrounds to facilitate quick reading and give to the page. Trying to convey all the "heat" and the emotions they transmit your accommodation. I stress the importance of incorporating the Web the best photographs that you can get: professional photos taken by a photographer. City every detail, not the first time you see pictures of houses with mops and cleaning boats in the classroom ... for real.
another good example: A page that conveys warmth and rusticity. Even listen to the animals ... (it is not mine) (Well a bit.)

PRICE: Approximately 1,000 € 160,000 Pts bone is what it may cost a good Web page. Must include the realization of a good story and photo processing photos. Also two languages. Paying more is crazy and if you get it for less best for you. That if you are looking for professionals, watch other work conducted by them and the style they have. Do you find it too expensive?. Well it is not, compare it to what it cost you the house and thinks that 0.3% will be the first insight and information of the same that will have customers. The page is indeed the gateway to your home.
My advice: Unless you or your cousin of you are good web designers, do not you make it happen to you. Do you charge you or your cousin from the calculation of structures without being architects ...? That's it.

DOMAIN: A domain is the address of your website. You can get free, both the domain and the hosting of that domain eg or . As always get what you pay and nobody gives a tough quarter. Lodging
free domains and usually have one or more problems: very slow, annoying and incorporate advertising, mostly have a very hard to remember name such as: , rather than a simple name and call letters of your accommodation as . A domain is not very expensive, about 10 Euros a year, and host it on a good server about 20 € a month.
MY ADVICE: The world of domain hosting, domains, redirects ... is a bit complicated for someone layman. Do not complicate your life and tell the same person that makes you the page that you manage a good domain name and hosting on a server that is fast. For this service you should not pay more than € 300 a year.
would be very hard trying to explain in depth the world of Internet search engines and also to most of you seem very boring. In short, you need to know the owner of a rural property you want to promote via the Internet is that 95% of the results depend on the DOS position in search engines: these are Google and Microsoft Search .

The first we know it all and the second almost no one, however, the results of Microsoft are using the default Internet Explorer browser, that is, we have installed on your computer 90% of Internet users. Many people do not take into account because it sounds so much like Google, however, has as much or more importance than this for a very obvious reason: if you now type "rural tourism" in the address bar of your browser (Yes, there where it says " http:// / "will be doing a search in Microsoft Search. Curiously, this figure takes into account the very few experts and yet is used by a huge number of Internet users.

But let us ... Both search engines have "robots" that are engaged day and night to crawl the web. van jumping from one to another through the links on the pages. In the more pages you mentioned and hyperlinks, more likely it is that these "robots" find your own page and, thus, can indexarte, include you within their results.
to your page appears when a user searches for a property in your area, it is necessary that we, somehow, to tell the "robot" which is what we offer. Let's see in detail all this. HIGH

. Never pay a company to give you high on 5,000 search engines because they usually work, sign up yourself on Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. It usually takes a lot but if you start right now that you have won. Sign up in the relevant section, is very important. For example, if your house is in Navarra, Google must do in World> English> Countries> Spain> Autonomous Communities> Navarra> Travel and Tourism . It employs a clear and easy to talk of rural households / rural tourism in your town, region, province, community. Just as a reference to known landmarks of the region, whether geographical features such as rivers or mountains or renowned cultural attractions. This will facilitate your accommodation is found when someone is interested in your area. Try also sign up for or that you mention in all web sites related to your area you anyway: Home Village, City Hall, friends, business Nearby, cultural ... etc. That is much more important and effective register in, say, a seeker of Ukraine or Patagonia.

How to speak your page to "search bots ": The title, text, meta-tags and internal structure. Already released on sites that are worthwhile, the "robot" is going to visit your page at any moment and we must say clearly and effectively what we offer to the form we provide between their results . The issue is not complicated but perhaps out of ignorance on the search engines work, almost no one has in mind. The first thing you look at a robot, and what you value most is the title page. I do not mean that you can put a title in big letters on the front page, but to what appears above all in the top bar of your browser. For example, the page you are viewing is titled "INTERNET AND THE RURAL TOURISM ...". See? An appropriate title for a rural housing would certainly be: "Lodging Example, Rural Tourism Village, district, province, autonomous communities, Spain." Only this form you are saying to all the information you need. The text is the second page that reads "robot." When I say I mean text letters, characters that can mark, copy and paste with the mouse. Many people put the text as an image, and that can not read the robot. The text should be descriptive and clear. The "Meta-tags are a language directly addressed the search engine robot and the user does not see. I will not explain in depth this issue because it is tedious for non-geeks on the internet. The most simple: tell the person who drew up the page that you put them. If you do not know what they are not directly responsible as it is ignorant of his work and a lousy training. The internal structure of your website is also important for search engines: Always put a link to the pages dependent down (How to reach the area, gallery ...) and another link of these child pages to the home page .

GOOGLE . It is without doubt the best search engine, the most used, and that more influence over the rest. If you follow the tips above, you should have a good position in Google. We mention in particular to tell you what NOT to do: do not repeat words thousands of times to confuse you, do not put hidden text and do not make false and content pages you linked. Are strategies to fool Google that work, but not for long. Google offers human supervisors eventually find this kind of tricks and if you get caught .... you get sent into "hell" disappear forever. Obviously there are more effective and sophisticated ways to have very good positions in Google, but everything, can not count ...
I do not like to advertise without rhyme or reason, but if after reading this you decide that the item above, then call us and see how we can do to fix it, but do not live on this side, for something we have in Antiqua Natura one of the most experienced teams that can be found to date in Spain in positioning techniques. Tips

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Grants and legality in Rural Tourism

There is a widespread and mistaken idea on subsidies. Try to be as clear as possible to avoid future owners tremendous problems with which they had to start his project.
The grants can be basically of two types: European or regional (local councils rarely grant them.) The first, the Europeans, depends on whether the probe area of \u200b\u200bSpain is going to locate your house is within a geographical area designated by the EEC for it. Typically, the poorer the area, a greater percentage of grant you can get, even up to almost 50% provided with a maximum investment. The autonomous regions have nothing to do with it and depend on the interest that the Community has in the rural tourism development. Varies greatly from one another. To find out you are entitled to subsidies, both at European and Autonomic best is that you go to the Tourist Board or similar body of the Community where you want to locate your accommodation. Once you are finished report the good and, if you want to receive the aid begins for you a personal Calvary ...
logical thing is to ask the subsidy because they lack resources for yourself to take the start-up business and need help institutions to provide in order to develop the area ... big mistake. If you have no money or property than the amount of the total project, or in-laws, friends unineuronales or other family members willing to sign you ignorant a guarantee, then forget it. After arduous negotiations and paperwork, if you're lucky, you will be awarded the grant, either because at the same time must submit a guarantee for the total amount as collateral to fulfill your commitments for a period of time that is usually not less than five years. That is, the total amount must remain in the bank, in a sort of glass case for a long period of time. In addition, the bank will charge you every month to retain your own money in a kind of cruel game of "what you see but not cataracts." That's not the worst, if for any reason during this period fails your obligations (for example, you move and can not continue with the business) must return the full amount plus the accumulated legal interest, as of today is a 4%. Interest which, of course, the bank did not pay you for having saved and available the amount. That if, if you have left over pasta and you have a good manager and legal team, request it without problems because, without haste and passed a few years after being granted and paid, you will enjoy it. Previously
But being rich is not the only requirement to access a grant, you also need patience as the theological virtues. Apply for a grant is like asking for forgiveness. The principle of innocence is reversed, since you ask, you are guilty of everything unless proven otherwise ... Not that I look bad, of course, if you're going to give public money have to check you're not a cad, but the way they treat you that sometimes the responsible officials is really insulting and, above all, the amount of paperwork, works against the owner and his patience. One thing is to ask for a subsidy and quite another to feel a kind of criminal for having asked!. Unless a certificate of criminal and certification of rubella vaccines you will need to file any documents that you can think of (declarations of income, property, property registration, maps, permits ... everything you you can imagine and 100 times - even though the administration itself already has that information-in fact, have all but is more than anything to fuck) and do not think you'll get a prompt response ...
Another of the most annoying things of the grants is what is concerning the changes in your business idea ... I mean, when you start a business, the "do" to your liking and apply all your ideas, good or bad, but yours ... When you ask for a grant you lose control, with legions of people paid by different public administrations (Many of them were not wearing sandals because strange reason) are going to speak out and influence your business, where you risk your money. It's a depressing feeling. Some are educated, but others are obviously arrogant and tacky. The "shoes" are not necessarily the worst, but I personally fear the falling very nice, you will dance the water and then write a report that will sink.

My advice: if you are patient little pride, youth, good managers do not owe nothing to the Treasury, do not mind me ignorant, give lessons, health to collect it, and money to hold until the copper asks the happy subsidy ... If not, and as my countryman the President of the Junta de Extremadura D. José Luis Rodríguez Ibarra, the mess is where the back loses its honorable name.

SUMMARY: If your project is good, does not need subsidy. If this is essential to profitability, something is wrong.
Homes laws, legal nor illegal and illegal

Tremendous debate, houses roar against illegal legal and illegal are the crazy. I personally think it is legally possible to rent a house without giving it full rental register as such in the respective Ministry of Tourism as it is doing a holiday season like that of renting an apartment in Benidorm for three weeks. Should specify when it is announced that it is a rustic apartment for rent, and also sign the corresponding contract and declare their income in the income statement under the heading Income from real estate. If there are services such as breakfast, lunch, cleaning during the stay or, for rent by rooms, not only is legally required to register with the Ministry concerned and abide by the rules in this regard, but it is highly recommended because, first, gives security to the user and, secondly, much more protects the owner against misuse of their property or claims against the house. You do not know how comfortable it is to have "complaint forms available to customers." Really.

My advice: Sign up, compliant and boasts of it. If your question is the Treasury, has nothing to do ... may or may not be honored with the IRS regardless of the legality of the house. Imp, you're an imp.

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The eye of love ... Control of Rural Tourism

We will set up a beautiful house ... But, how are we going to manage?. Ideally, unless you're really unsociable or you may be incompetent, is that it steps yourself. It's very difficult "tele-directing" a business of this type. The famous saying " The master's eye fattens the horse "Is particularly applicable here. Not only for what you may or may not pilfer, it is more than anything to meet guest expectations generally, imagine a family business, served with love and care.
However almost Security personnel need to help you in the food or the cleanliness or, sometimes, you have to delegate your tasks. if you have no choice but to entrust the keeping of your house to someone else you recommend installing control systems. Speaking Silver: video-camera. You can only put in areas such as entry or living room. They are also an added element to the security and now much cheaper than you think. Not only can you know how things go, especially as avoiding troublesome situations guests staying without you knowing about or that he / managers make improper use of the facilities.
With the new IP cameras can check the status of your business in real time, with good definition, from any computer with an Internet connection. Legally
is required, and very effectively, to inform staff recruited and signed authorization. Respect to s is not a problem provided it is done in common areas such as security measure and are included in the system to adapt the technical elements to the legal system such as the introduction of confounding factors that prevent a clear facial recognition.
never replace your video camera presence, but at least prevent the thin horse over the account.
I forgot the camera images can llegarte if you want even your mobile phone , so that seems like a bullshit, but think how useful it is ... Tips

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of meals, drinks and swimming in the Rural Tourism

Gastronomy is an almost indispensable supplement for a rural property that is rented rooms and also a source of income for not be trivialized. Revenues from lunch and dinner can directly make the difference between the red and green. Often, the customer is willing to pay for their lunches and dinners as much or more than by your own accommodation.
only two councils in this sense: you have to have someone who cooks really well. If you're not going to give a great meal you had better leave it. You need not be sophisticated dishes, we talk about rural tourism and, most valued, are quality natural ingredients and home cooking.
wine with the same philosophy applies to toilet paper. Bad wine ruins the best food.
If your house is full rental is recommended that you have prepared a good selection of restaurants where you eat well and the price is right. It is both promote such restaurants as guests avoid going to a bad end. It is very important since a bad dining experience can disrupt that feeling of happiness that makes the guest or become known to visit your home. As for the glasses
goes somewhat the same thing. If you have nice and comfortable public rooms can be surprised about how fattening the billing with the desktop and "sobrecenas." It has plenty of ice and a nice glass. A pleasant summer terrace and a good fireplace for cold days is a major booster of this type of consumption ... Do not be stingy with fuel.

AN EXAMPLE I do not recommend: One night we arrived at a rural hotel with a rustic decoration. The inviting dining room one of those long dinners home and, being typical of the area asked for a soup. And I brought him, but "structured", ie on the plate were not peas or beans anywhere, but a thin layer of mashed two colors creating a beautiful picture ... no comment.

TIP: The desktops are usually adequate time to approach the host, chatting with him, knowing that things can improve, even make friends and to flirt (No way). NOTE, not all guests like them count your life. We know you're bored as an oyster, that this living far from the madding crowd is very hard and everything else, but do not think that your guests are fair monkeys who have come to break your loneliness. It is not easy, but you must put your five senses to know when and how they want to talk to you. There are owners who are real jerks. Remember that anything we have two ears and one mouth.
We are talking about Spain. It is quite possible that if the house has a swimming pool for rent have problems in summer, which is precisely the period of maximum profitability. There are sites where, exceptionally, by his special charm and location in a town that does not have too. But recently we are seeing that even in cold areas a mini-spa, that is, a sauna, jacuzzi and a small increase terribly occupation at any time of year. Something to consider. Eye with the use of the pool and its regulation. Have a good liability insurance and make the guests sign the contract which specifies that the pool is for private use and they use it assume full responsibility. Monitors chlorine levels, flocculants and other potions. Not only that, it boasts, put in a conspicuous position a tracking table.
AN EXAMPLE: If you have a house in the middle of La Mancha, in the field or in the province of Badajoz, hardly anyone will go in summer if not happy with the pool. Please note that summer occupancy equates to almost all the rest of the year is 75 days. However, if it is a mountain home in Picos de Europa, this is not so important though ... the "salute per aqua" (SPA) is becoming increasingly fashionable. Definitely, Spain, leisure and water are profound and solidly linked.
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Squares in Rural tourism: how and how

"Whole house or rent rooms?
A big question with an easy answer: the full rental house that is less work and, although the number of rooms is sufficient, less money. The group home provides a lot more work but, ultimately, more money also. Let's say a house full rent does not differ essentially from an apartment to rent for holidays.
In a house that is rented complete the important job at the time just rent it, in the accommodation and Breakfast, on the contrary, much of the work begins when the customer arrives.
To carry a house that is rented rooms must become a true professional caterers (If you want to work well), and think what that means. He did not assume that professionalism in every way is the cause of many failures.
In either case you think this only affects the business once it is already running, ie the day-to-day. In almost all matters concerning the construction and commissioning you to put the five senses: decoration, promotional, ...

My advice: If you want to professionalize in the area of \u200b\u200bcatering, if you do not like dealing with people, if you have time, or only do your home with the expectation of investing ... make a full rental home. If, however, you like dealing with people, want to manage the business in a professional and dedicated ... make a house for rent by rooms, a small hotel for you.
Of course, both options are equally worthy, for once true to yourself and choose the one that really suits your tastes, your skills and time you can spend. What is important is that you control your life, which controls accommodation.

A key issue to obtain profitability. In the case of a full house is should be room for 6-8 people. Thus, covers 90% of demand. Do not forget to have one or two detachable cradles. Where this aspect is critical is in the houses that are rented out rooms, as I said before, they are still a small hotel. In this case are fixed costs of food, maintenance staff and more or less important and generally are not redeemable in any case less than four rooms. You might be surprised that almost ruined many homeowners to invest in homes for low-capacity rooms.
The different regional laws often make a maximum of seats according to the classification and type of accommodation. It is important to be aware of that fact before taking a decision. Again, the disparity of views of each community in this sense does more than blur the overall image quality that our industry requires.
To consult all legislation autonomous, disparate (and absurd in many cases) that exists on rural tourism in our country come here.

My advice: If your house is rented rooms should have about 10 double rooms (It would take away charm in most cases).
When you're exploiting your business you will notice that the fixed cost is virtually the same regardless of occupation, however, the benefits are fired from a job more than four rooms which, as holiday seasons and bridges will can be drawn from the red.
Another thing, always put beds instead of double beds, if the boards do the same, but if you for example, a group of business, you can separate. Tips

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The decor and cleanliness in

One of the pillars underpinning the current concept of rural tourism is the sale of "authenticity." We are selling field rusticity and nature. Like a plumber charge to bring the heating pipes or radiators, should commission a decorator or interior designer to help you in designing your home. A serious problem is that, on the one hand are expensive and, secondly, we are all good decorators have a cousin with a great taste. If the investment in your home exceeds 50 million pesetas should hire one "of all all" and pay up to 4% of the budget, about two million (If you can pay less is better). Let him do his job and do not intervene unless it is a perfect cretin / a in which case the contract to another. If you meddle too will be a mix of styles will end up being ugly.
A final consideration: originality may replace in many cases, the high price of materials. Furniture construction, industrial fittings, plumbing and painted light can go very cheap and are not bad in a country house.
By the way, I have a friend who is a professional decorator is not that I say so, but it's great, you can see their website at:
If you call from me sure makes you a good discount and hopefully, invited me to dinner ...

My advice: If you are stubborn / a like you and you insist on only you or your bf are the decorators, buy yourself the favor of a few rustic decor magazines (there are lots) and orient yourself. Not be afraid to directly copy what you see. An important part of the success of your house depends on the decor.
cleaning houses in
This seems an obvious point, but as an important highlight in this blog because reality is that in many houses I have visited the concept of "Clean" is not just understood as "absolutely clean." Bone
, your house must be clean as a whistle. In comments from users of Top-Rural most damaging complaints have to do by cleaning and treatment. And I assure you you would not like to see the advertising of your home apostille with one of those "constructive" opinions. Do not forget any corner, go to the glasses and silverware, napkins to the light look, use natural air fresheners and always seeks perfection in this regard. If you think about it, once your house is super-clean, maintaining it is hard ...
Another detail which, although not has to do with cleaning, do not know where to fit in the Blog but I find very often in the homes visited, the toilet paper. Please purchase the good, but good-good. You can have a spectacular house but nothing worse than finding one of those roles that miraculously become independent two thin sheets with cut-offs that do not match. Cutrez total.

My advice: If the house is not going to be super-clean is better not get into this mess. Think of every detail and evidence, personally, each of the rooms and products on them, eat in the dining room, you can shower, invite friends and lovingly passionate grunts and checks noise you hear, smell everything as a hound ...